Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nice to connect!

It's important to be real.  If I'm not I will implode, both physically and emotionally.  Raising three kids is work (of course), raising three with special needs is beyond that, that is a cosmic production.

I bring up being real as I have found so many special needs parents, especially Mother's, are intent on sculpting themselves into these pert, wee 'every mom.'  They were given these angels for a reason and God dammit they will make sure they are painted into all corners of the globe and with a bullhorn just in case.  People retweet and share lovely, cosy, fluffy links on being a parent with a special needs kid.  Not just "us" Moms, but others, who only read what they want....only see what they are comfortable with.  Yes, yes this is life.  Reality and ick and tar and feathers and cold hard glares in cracked mirrors is not socially acceptable.

Too heavy?  I agree.  Today I was in the grocery store, by myself, thrilled with wheeling around the cart like it was on vacation.  I watch a perfectly quaffed, very attractive Mum swoop by with two toddler aged boys in her cart.

One made a break for it; I mean a full on sidekick, slash, upside down lower body backwards thrust out of it. It was a fucking sight to behold.  Oh for Ashton Kutcher and his camera then!  I was mesmerized as I watched Mum yank said prodigy back by his undies, like an act from Cirque De Soleil, all the while politely swearing and he roaring in all his stolen glory.  She caught my chuckle, looked mortified and tried at act like nothing had happened. We all know, I am not exactly the shrinking violet kind, so I did say "Hey, got three myself."  Her face melted like a gooey smore.

Why do I write about this?  Well, after the last few days of feeling awful sorry for myself (which I refuse to take back) I was witness to a typical reality for a million Mums out there.  There was a moment, a connection,  a chink in my armor was loosened.  In essence, these wee bastards are hard fuckin' work.  Still, periodically we can grab them by the knickers and look up and another parent gives a look that communicates " too???"

1 comment:

  1. OMG Dee, I love this!!! And hey, congrats on a chance to go grocery shopping all by yourself!!!!! Oh how we are so easily amused, by the simplest of things..... LMFAO!!! :)
