Friday, November 11, 2011

Bully Off!

We have a new entity trailing us.  It is stuck to the sole of my relationship with my Jake, like gum that stretches against the surface.  Bullying!  It has so many connotations...again a spectrum behavior.  It can be anything from a mumbled insult to a physical onslaught.  I had seen this spectrum like animal softly paw it's way in to my Jake's world; I was waiting to decide if it was something that warranted reaction on my part.

After today, obviously the answer is a resounding "yes."  Jake has been the butt of this soft, cowardly excess of childhood the last month now.  He (I call him Slither) has been subtle...dare I say it, even clever.  He is an excellent reader of Jake's behaviors and language. He can pin point a button to push, a switch to flick, a moment to be exploited.  He slither's back into his cowardice and delights in Jake's explosive belief in social justice, which is one of Jake's best qualities as well as his biggest challenge.

To think that this Slither is taking advantage of my darling's biggest asset and weakness and relishing in the outcome...well, you can imagine.  Today Slither was lucky Jake has a Behavior Implementation Plan (BIP), it  is something Jake values above all else at school.  Otherwise that child would have had his arse handed to him in a sling.  I would be disingenuous if I didn't admit, I would take a school suspension over my boy defending himself and his self worth.

The issue with many, if not most Aspies is, they have a black and white view of Neurotypical behavior.  There are no nuances, no subtleties, just a yes and no response.  Subtleties are not absorbed, they have to be taught, retaught, reintroduced and reminded.  Slither was lucky today.  Jake used his learned behaviors and refrained.  He did however come home raging and told me all (I speak fluent Aspie); two emails later and Jake knowing his Mum is on his side, he calmed down.

Slither better watch his back, he now has two sets on eyes on him, Jake's and Momma Bear.  She makes Bipolar Bear look like a cuddly toy poodle.

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