Friday, April 6, 2012

I wait

We met on a Tuesday.

Honestly, I don't remember the day.  I do remember we met.  Late for us both, you were willing to call me, listen to my day, my worries, my fears.  You listened.

You never judged me, you never named me, you just listened.  Had I known how that call would have rooted itself.  If I had known what we were growing.  Perhaps it's best I didn't know, couldn't see the next 17 months. I might have run so far, or you might have never called back.  I didn't run and you called again.

Flaws and blemishes have become obvious I know, but here we are, no one's running, we both keep calling.

One day we'll meet again, perhaps on a Tuesday.

In the mean time I will await the other 6 days.

I just wait for you!

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