Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Extreme parenting and contact parenting!

There is a modern myth that has been revolving through the parental blogs, magazines, articles and even play ground gossip the last generation.  Parenthood, once attained should, must and will define you.  Once one becomes a parent (no matter how it arrives) your world is complete, all is right with cosmic tumblers and we can all die happy in our beds, (obviously though that would be bad, because to orphan said child would be a felony or something).  In reality, parenting is the hardest, most exhausting, relentless job on the planet, and anyone who suggests it's a gift from the heavens needs a swift kick in the taco.  Children are mini people, they aren't neat bundles of fluff, collected in scrapbooks, complete with glitter, ribbon and embroidered cliches.

Now, ask me is parenting worth it?  HELL YEAH!  Don't get me wrong, not back tracking on my opening shocker of an anvil, just putting it in perspective is all.  If one is willing to fully open up one's personal vulnerabilities, children do so much to push us, needle us, cajole us and make us laugh at ourselves.  They create an environment where if we so choose, we can be freer than we've ever been, even more so than when we were kids ourselves, because we are seasoned, have lost that initial innocence and love to revel in it once more, if only for fleeting moments.

Now add to the mix, the needs of a child who needs that bit more than a typical one.  Add to that being afraid to allow your child to play in a Mc Donald's play place, or having to follow your child around Chucky Cheese heel to toe when he's 8 years old, for fear he will unleash his autism or adhd tendencies on your unsuspecting perfectly typical child.  Add to that the impulsive 4 year old that likes the smell of your lotion and asks to lick your arm (hey at least she asked).  Imagine, finding your son in the corner of a place that most kids are reveling in, on his hunkers, rocking back and forth, holding his ears and screaming everyone needs to be quiet now?  Imagine being the parent of those kids, tortured in an environment you and society says all children must enjoy?  Imagine parenting those children.  If you can't, you haven't extreme parented yet.  Join us, we have donuts!

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