Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Nana spell

I am blessed to have a wonderful Mum, who had me young.  As such we truly are best friends.  Having said that she is absolutely The Mammy as well; parent first, friend second.  It's a trip and a joy to watch her with her three grand children as let's face it, it's all she's getting.  I'm an only child and these tubes are about to be hung up for good in a couple of months. *whispers thankya baby Jesus over and over;)*

My Mum is a great traveller and makes a concerted effort to visit twice a year while I try to get home to Ireland with one kid once a year, when funds allow.  My children still do have all four grandparents  alive and kicking but with their paternal set a mere six hours away in waiting for God mode in central Florida, and as for my own father.....well, I have blogged about his own narcisisum ad nauseum.  My Mum, a mere 20 years my senior is the pulse of what these kids believe to be a grand parent.  Of course they love all their G-parents, but none of the four can capture their souls, imagination and pure total unconditional love as my Mum can.  I suspect because her connection to childhood flows and ribbons like a natural bend in the river; she eases into their world as flawlessly as sugar dissolves into warm water.  Each one so different in their wants and needs, yet she can meet them where they are, quietly, slotting into their psyche like a ball bearing in a weighted blanket.

The next ten days will bring immense pleasure and joy no doubt, but not just because of the delight in watching the generational stepping stones washed over by the river's swirling current, but because I can see clearly how my Mother and I forged our easy, fluid bond from so early on and what a gift I was bequeathed in how easy it has been to do so with my babies.  Nana's rock!!!!