Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The 3rd piece

I have always said I have three special kiddos, but never had an official nod to my youngest.  I remember wondering why she would only sleep with me, refused any bottle and ended up nursing until she was 3. Yes, you may now scrape you jaw up from the floor.  When one is an at home Mum and your kid will only calm, settle or soothe to the boob, it becomes less of an object and more of a life buoy;)

I was worried enough about this that I had Hannah assessed by Early Intervention when she was a toddler, no red flags at the time.  As time moved on though, it became obvious I was right and the powers that be were wrong; hmmm, now when did that happen before, oh yes, with Jacob.  Last October I'd had it and officially requested an educational evaluation from preschool services.  What ensued was a litany of vague offers, delays, blatant disregard for IDEA and an ignorant assumption by the special ed department that I am thick as two short planks and do not know mine or my child's rights.  IDEA (Individuals with disabilities education act) states the district has 60 calendar days to get us to the point of an assessment.  Legally Hannah should have been in an assessment no later than New Years.  We were given a date in early January; fair enough, it was close enough.  Then the worst thing that could ever occur in the great state of Georgia happened....we got 2 inches of snow.

Snowpocalypse, the great blizzard of 2011 shut down everything.  It was the day after tomorrow.  The entire state was paralyzed as we all sat perched on the edge of our sofas, glued to the 24 hour weather reports with images of horrific attempts at miniature, miserable looking snow midgets, 3 car fender benders and worst of all....we ran out of road salt.  It was truly terrifying.  OK, I jest, but in the south 2 inches is what 3 feet is in Maine.  Hannah's appointment was rescheduled for mid February.  Well past 60 days.  By now I was more than tutting and gritting my teeth a bit.  OK, yes I was a swearing, pissed off pacing bitch from hell.

That appointment actually took place and it went well, the educators and psychologist were professional and I could tell they were stressed with the back log they had, no doubt due to severe budget cuts made earlier in the year.  Then the shoe didn't just drop, it was a steel toed boot that kicked me in the head.  They stated the 60 days now started from the time we agreed to the assessment, ie: mid February.  It was near impossible to not channel my inner Vader and want to smite this woman with a single thought but you will be relieved I spared her....for now.

Here we are, mid April and we finally received Hannah's results.

I would be lying if I didn't admit that seeing what you already know in black and white isn't a bit devastating.  Her scores indicate a severe sensory seeking, hyperactive on the move, clumsy, low toned 4 year old who still has adaptive delays.  She can't use the potty as her muscle tone is so low she has no sensation.  I have been changing diapers for over 11 years, and yes I am totally over it.  Our eligibility meeting is next week and I've been assured she qualifies, will get an IEP (Individual Education Plan), she will be placed in a preschool to meet her needs, get occupational therapy, picture schedule, perhaps even speech.  Sounds rotten doesn't it.  Know what she's doing now?  Watching cartoons, laughing at Phineas and Ferb and she out of the blue while I was writing this said "Mammy...I love you!"  Yup, we'll be just fine.

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