Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Monday, December 27, 2010

We happen to live in one of those incredibly rare states that makes allowances for Medicaid and some Social Security Benefits for those meeting certain disability criteria. 

In some states it's known as The Deeming Waiver, while others still call it The Katie Beckett waiver.  This is the best link I can find so far on what each state offers, if anything.


Essentially, we can apply for medicaid benefits on behalf of our disabled child for certain diagnoses as a secondary provider.  Sounds fabulous doesn't it?  Um....this is a government sponsored program....in the US, and administered by a few states; fabulous it may be, attainable however??  Well, you get the idea.

I have two kids who "should" benefit from the state Medicaid program, but after the hoops, various bureaucratic rings of fire, a permanent sense of carpel tunnel in my writing hand, two technical denials and two reviews, so far I managed to get one of my boys medicaid as a secondary insurance.  That was however until I became comfortable with the entire set up.  Note to any and all parents, guardians, guardian ad litem and advocates, never, EVER become comfortable with any system that asks you to fill out four trees worth of paperwork before you can even apply.  Actually, just don't become comfortable with government bureaucracy in general.  Once you do, you will have the week I'm about to have.

So, here I was all smug and chuffed with my clever self, that two years on we had managed to hold onto this wonderos situation of medicaid for my oldest.  Last year's annual review came and went without so much as an echoing hiccup. This yearly review came around and I cheerfully collected all I needed, killed another four acres of the Amazon in the process and handed everything into Department of Family and Children, (the starting point in the red ribbon highway).

Two weeks later the certified mail began to arrive....first technical denial for non presence of paperwork and application on time.  Final technical denial for the same reason.  Now, you have to understand in this state it starts at DFACS and somehow, mysteriously (I suspect they use flying monkeys) finds it's way to a nurse's desk in a grey building surround by grey walls, no doubt with grey hair and a dull grey palor, at least that's how I choose to see her, Nurse Grey.  Wielder of the oversized grey quill that based on nothing more than an un dotted i or an uncrossed t, scratches "Technical Denial!" across a giant piece of stained parchment, and then she peers into the camera and cackles wildly while throwing her head back in hysterics.  What, a little too much hyperbole?

So, a mere two days post Christmas I have been catapulted from my cosy, rose tinted world of smugness and will spend a good portion of the week camping out in DFACS in the hope I can get a hold of my son's social worker, whom by the way we have never met.   In fact expecting her to return a phone call really would get one committed if uttered aloud in DFACS' lobby.  At least a 72 hour hold anyway.

Now where did I put that chainsaw? I have a few dozen trees to fell, I'll be needing the paper.

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