Friday, May 11, 2012

My Invisible Disability!

I have spent so much time and well forged energy allowing my children a space to have a safe space to have their needs, typical or otherwise center stage.  In fact none of them are really aware I blog about them; the good, the bad and the ever so often ugly.  I have not I realize shared my story in the realm of invisible disabilities.  It actually started at birth.  I was born with a congenial cataract.  It was no one's fault, in fact when I realize what could have developed a single cataract seems fabulous.  Yes, I has a cloudy, gammy eye for a few years.  A few surgeries later, ok, four, it's as good as it gets.  Perhaps another surgery on the horizon, but nothing major.  Just can't be drafted into the army.....dammit!!

I am fairly sure I was an undiagnosed ADHD child/student.  I suspect those who know me as a child ,or teen or a relative are chuckling knowingly right about now.  Of course meds were minimal to non existent where I was raised.  Still, I found a way through a college education.  I emigrated, married, had my three special needs kids; they and their needs consumed me.  Well, they had to, I was their only voice for so long.  I was diagnosed with low B12 and I am receiving B12 shots.

Which brings me to today.  The last 8 months, maybe even a year I have been plagued with these bizarre seizure like episodes.  To the outsider, they appear mild.  I glaze over and within' minutes I simply have to lay down.  I know by the time I lay down I will fall asleep.  This is not optional, there is now way to keep me awake.  I sleep between 45 minutes and two hours.  It's a dead sleep, no dreams, no outside noise penetrates.

My GP suggested I just avoid the foods that triggers these episodes.  However, that is easier said than done.  I don't know a trigger until I collapse.  The only beneficial help has been an all vegetarian dirt.  Once I introduce fats, carbs and especially meat protein, it's Goodnight!  Tonight, I ate fried chicken.  I had avoided meat for weeks.  I was in a bind and had to eat something.  Made it home and within thirty minutes I seized and was in the deepest sleep you could imagine.  I am becoming quite ticked that my GP won't listen to me.  "Avoiding" trigger foods is NOT my idea of finding the most important answer....why?

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