Friday, May 4, 2012

That cup is it's empty!

I started following a few blogs, twitter and facebok pages recently as April was Autism awareness month.  For the most part I found a great deal of supportive and real life "Aha" experiences.  However, I also found a great deal of those that posted how they wouldn't change their children or family member's one iota.  This got me thinking, in fact it got me soul searching.

Of course I know and accept my children (Jacob-12, ASD, BP, ADHD, etc etc; Cormac-8, Aspergers, SPD, etc etc; Hannah-5, Adhd, SPD) are perfect as they are as that is the way they are made....hard wired so to speak.  I was left thinking.  My two boys really, I mean REALLY struggle with peer interactions.  Neither have "friends" outside of school relationships and even then it's heavily patrolled and orchestrated by a wonderful school.

However, the pressure is on by the Autie world at large to accept them to the point that I push away all else.  I'm not sure I can, in fact I know I can't.  Of course I embrace their unique perspective on the world; I learn more than any Professor with a Phd some days, just during dinner.  However, I also catch their pain, their loneliness, their isolation.  Some days, like today, when my cup has been mentally and emotionally drained I am guilty of snapping, pushing away and after I calm down feeling like a complete failure.

I know tomorrow my cup will be full again, I will accept and embrace again, but please no one judge me because when it's empty I just need some space, a break, or even a dumb joke on twitter.  Autism is a double edged sword.

1 comment:

  1. You're an excellent Mom. You do a great job with your three.

    We all have stress and we all overreact, from time to time. We all need downtime.

    Get some peace.
